We James Vandiver and wife FrancisWhite County, Tennessee, Register of Deeds Volume 33: 492, James Vandever and wife to I Z Shelton, 11 July 1888; FHL 507915.
Vandever, have this day bargained and
sold, and by these presents do Convey to
I Z Shelton, the following described tract of land, for
the Sum of Eighty Dollars to us in hand paid, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; Lying in
the 1st Civil District of White County Tennessee,
bounded as follows: Beginning on a Rock in a line
of a tract of land owned by the Heirs of Eadley Raul
Decd, Thence North 70° East on a line of the same
22 poles and 7 links to a Rock Thomas Vandevers
Corner, Thence West on his line 61¼ poles to a Rock
Said Vandevers line Thence South 2 1/2° East
on a line of the same 22 poles and 7 links to a Rock
J C Vandevers Corner Thence East on his line
61¼ poles to the Beginning Containing by estimation
8½ acres more or less[.] We James Vandever and wife
Francis Vandever Covenant with the said I Z Shelton
his heirs and representatives, that we are lawfully
Seized and possessed of the Premises, herein Convey
so, we have a right to Convey the same; and we
further Covenent with the said I Z Shelton his
heirs and assigns and Representatives to forever
warrant and defend the title to the said I Z Shelton
and his heirs and representatives forever to said
land against the lawful Claims of all Persons
whatsoever[.] I testimony whereof we have
hereunto set our hands and seal, this 11 day of
July 1888.
J C Vandever {seal}
Francis x Vandever {seal}
Transcribed: 19 November 2016 by Phillip Ciske
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