02 April 2017

Finding the Parents of Elodia Varin


Elodia “Lydia” Varin is the wife of Eugene Alphonse Desjarlais and mother of Gilbert Leo Desjarlais, born 27 September 1928 in Burrilleville, Rhode Island.


Who are the parents of Elodia Varin, wife of Eugene Alphonse Desjarlais and mother of Gilbert Leo Desjarlais of Rhode Island?


Elodia Varin was married to Eugene Alphonse Desjarlais in Providence, Rhode Island, on 16 February 1915. By locating and examining sources related to her marriage and birth, Elodia’s parents are identified as Joseph Varin, born about 1862 in Canada, and Georgiana Gagnon, born about 1867 in Canada.

Marriage record for Elodia Varin and Eugene Alphonse Desjarlais (16 February 1915):
  • Father: Joseph Varin
  • Mother: Georgianna Gagnon
Birth registry entry for Elodia Varin (21 July 1898):
  • Father: Joseph Varin
  • Mother: Georgina Gagnon 

Research Notes

Elodia Varin married Eugene Alphonse Desjarlais on 16 February 1915 in Providence, Rhode Island. Elodia is recorded as sixteen years old, giving an approximate birth year of 1898-1899, while Eugene is seventeen years old, giving an approximate birth year of 1897-1898. The record names Elodia’s parents as Joseph and Georgianna Varin [1].

Elodia’s birth was registered in Southbridge, Massachusetts. Recorded in February 1899, the registry lists her birth date as 21 July 1898. Her parents are listed as Joseph Varin and Georgina Gagnon, who resided in Southbridge, Massachusetts. Joseph and Georgina are also noted as being born in Canada. Joseph’s occupation is listed as a mill operator [2].

Joseph Varin married Georgina Gagnon on 20 April 1885 in Southbridge, Massachusetts [3]. The marriage register for Southbridge, Massachusetts, records Joseph’s age as twenty-three, giving an approximate birth year of 1862, and Georgina’s age as eighteen giving an approximate birth year of 1867. Both Joseph and Georgina are recorded as born in Canada. Both are also recorded as employed as weavers residing in Southbridge. They were married in Notre Dame church in Southbridge.

Joseph’s parents are identified on the registry entry as Louis Varin and Joset Surprenent. Georgina’s parents are identified on the registry as Peter Gagnon and Rachelle Marcereaux.
Georgina died on 8 March 1900 in Southbridge, Massachusetts, of heart failure. Recorded in June 1900, the registry lists her maiden name, Gagnon, and also her spouse, Joseph Varin. Her parents are identified as Pierre Gagnon and Rochel Marsereau [4].

This death registry entry lists Georgina’s age at death as forty years old in 1900, which gives her an approximate birth year of 1860. This conflicts with her recorded age of eighteen in the marriage registry entry from fifteen years earlier in 1885. Additional research is needed to resolve this conflict.


  1. “Rhode Island Town Marriages Index, 1639-1916,” database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed 21 February 2017), entry for Eugene Alphonse Desjarlais and Elodia Varin, 16 February 1915; citing Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; Family History Library (FHL) microfilm 411.
  2. “Massachusetts, Births, 1841-1915,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed 21 February 2017), entry for Elodia Varin, 21 July 1898; citing Secretary of the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Archives, Boston, Births: v. 477 (1898). Suffolk - Worcester; FHL microfilm 1,843,706. 
  3. “Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed 23 February 2017), entry for Joseph Varin and Georgina Gagnon, 20 April 1885; citing Southbridge, Massachusetts, United States, State Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 1,415,221.
  4. “Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915, database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed 25 February 2017), entry for Georgina Gagnon, 8 March 1900; citing Southbridge, Massachusetts, 455-65, State Archives, Boston; FHL microfilm 1,843,728.

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