Deed, J L Newlin to I Z Shelton
For and in Consideration of the sum of
three hundred and fifty Dollars Paid +
to be Paid by I. Z. Shelton as follows, two
hundred and seventeen Dollars Cash the
Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. and one hundred
and thirty three Dollars to be Paid in two annual insta-
llments of $6650 each for which he has this day executed
his two Promissory notes due in 12 and 24 months
Respectively, and Bearing interest from date. We J. L.
Newlin have Bargained and sold and by there presents
do transfer and Convey unto the said I. Z Shelton heirs
and assigns a Certain tract or parcel of land in the
1st Dist of White County State of Tennessee as follows.
Beginning on a Rock in the Center of the Smithville
Nashville Road a Corner of the Abby Gamble tract
Nashville Road Susan Paul Corner. Thence on her line
in the Center of Said Road west + passing her Corner
at 5 1/2 poles and with a line of A. J. Cesly in all 20 1/2
Running thence north 15o East on a line of the Same
44 poles to a post oak the S. W. Corner of Chas Bandens
trast of land. Thence on a line of the same N 85o East
104 poles + 7 links to a Rock Bandens Corner. Thence S.
twoo west on Said Bandens line + passing his Corner
and with a line of the Susan Paul tract in all 42
poles + 15 links to a Rock in the Center of the Smithville
poles. Thence North 86o west on a line of the Same 8
poles. Thence north 88o west in Said Road 28 Poles.
Thence north 85o west with Said Road 12 poles. Then
South 77o west with Said Road 26 poles. Thence South
84o west with Said Road 6 poles. then north 78o
west with Said Road 18 3/4 Poles to the Beginning Contain
ing 31 acres more or less. Being the same land Conveyed
by Ed Peffer + wife to J. L. Newlin.
To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of
land with the appurtenances estate title and interest thereto
Belonging to the Said I Z Shelton heirs and assigns
forever, and I J. L. Newlin do Covenant with the said
I Z Shelton that I am lawfully seized and possessed of
said land in fee simple have a good Right to Convey
it and the Same is unencumbered. and I J. L. Newlin
do further Covenant and Bind myself + my heirs and
Representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to
Said land to the Said I.Z. Shelton his heirs and assigns
against the lawful Claims of all Persons whomsoever.
a lien is expressly Retained upon the Property herein
Conveyed to Same all the deferred Payments of Purchase
money. Witness my hand this 22 day of September, 1905.
J. L. Newlin
Amanda Newlin
Source: White County (Tennessee) Register of Deeds, Deeds v. 56, 58-59 Oct 1912-Mar 1917 (FHL film #507921), Shelton Ike from J. L. Newlin, p. 307-308
Transcribed: 20 November 2016 by Phillip Ciske